Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What is Poetry?

Diction Vocabulary

Literary Elements
Appositive, a phrase, following a noun, that describes the noun and is separated from the rest on the sentence with commas. The item in blue is an appositive and the noun it describes is just before it, in red.
Persona, the speaker in the poem.

Poems read, listened to, and discussed in class today:

Jenny Kiss’d Me
  • How does Jenny feel about the person kissed?
  • Discuss the relationship between the one positive mention of the kiss and the things mentioned that are negative.
The Lake Isle of Innisfree
  • What does the author include to convey images or connotations of peace and tranquility?
We Wear the Mask
  • Also, consider the time period during which the author lived(s) and anticipate its affect on the literature.
Remember to continue to analyze these and make sure that you understand the passages, quotes, and diction, the author uses to create the moods, tones, imagery, etc. in the mind of yourself, the reader.

On your own, copy down some of the quotes from the poems,
  • explain the effect it has on you and identify what that is called,
  • explain what the quote tells/shows about the author, and identify what that is called

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