Monday, September 29, 2008

Discussion Essay Rubric

Rubric for Essay due Friday!
Sundjata Bold Blue Questions found here.

Sudan Genocide Report

Today, I read a number of you all's papers and I am very pleased and impressed. Keep digging and seeking the next layer or step of the issues that we face. You can always think deeper, so let's make sure that we put that into practice.Assignment found here.Some videos may contain startling images of people who have died.Overview of the Sudanese conflict.A personal account of the genocide.The Darfur Genocide: A present reality. Think about this ladies and gentlemen, this has been going on since you were born. Every day. Every minute. Every meal and tv show. People are dying.

Writing Notes

Today, some of you all shared some very impressive writing with the rest of the class, and we are very thankful for having heard your awesome work. Some of the things which were done well are:
Introductions featuring fantastically detailed descriptions of horror, which instantly grab the reader's attention.
Allusions to the Preamble to the Constitution and God Bless America when mentioning the hypocrisy of America, which condemns the genocide but at the same times sells weapons to Sudanese government and Janjaweed, which are killing innocent men, women, and children.
Many of you displayed a great understanding of the audience, evidenced by your emotional appeals, which were also, subsequently substantiated by your discussion and constant presentation of facts and other information.
The inclusion of first person or primary information, in the form of quotes and descriptions paraphrased from survivors of the Darfur genocide, conveyed authority and compassion in ways that were beyond surprising and intellectually startling.Make sure that you take the time this weekend to continue working on your papers, so that they can be in fine shape when you present them to the popular figure of your choice. Furthermore, read over the many notes that you have taken from your peers work, that we learn and better ourselves as a result of our interaction with one another.Be safe and have a great holiday weekend.

Persuasive Appeals

Today we read and summarized the following document, covering persuasion.Foundations of Persuasion found here.After this document was summarized, students then applied the following Appeals of Persuasion to the four categories contained in the Foundations of Persuasion document.
Common Practice
SpiteStudents, if you want to learn more about persuasion, techniques or applications, then please check out the following links:Persuasion Power PointPersuasive Fallacies and AppealsThis website is maintained by the Jewish community in an attempt to educate people, so that no others again will fall prey to faulty logic and massacre a people. That is, so long as those people are not Europeans.

Foundations of Persuasion

Today, we gave examples of how the Foundations of Persuasion fit to the various Persuasive Appeals and also gave specific examples of how they all fit together.
The Appeal to Fear: this is often effective, because most people do not like harm or harmful things.
If you do not help stop the genocide, then, soon it will come over here.
If you do not give me your lunch money, then I will beat you up.
If you do not make good grades on your progress report, then I am going to beat your butt!
The Appeal to Novelty: this is often effective because people are either materialistic and want to say that have the latest iPhone, Jeezy CD, etc.... OR people make the assumption that just because technology and education is better that the products are therefore also better because they should utilize these and other advances.
This is the NEW AND IMPROVED......
This is the latest development in Hip-hop,.....
The Appeal to Belief: this is often effective because people are very passionate about their belief systems, i.e. RELIGION and are easily persuaded by things if they believe that God commanded or stated thusly.
W.W.J.D. What would Jesus do? This was a very popular slogan and motivational idiom used, worn, toted, and trumpeted by many in the 1990's.
Whether God, or Allah, or Buddha, or Krishna, Vishnu, Yahweh, or Jehovah, etc... the vast majority of people believe in a Higher Power and therefore are highly influential when it is said or believed that God, god, divine, or god-like figure is involved.
The Appeal to Common Practice: this is often effective because people love to mimic, imitate, or do what others are doing. Also, people are easily convinced by routines. If someone does it all the time, then it must be alright.
Ain't never used to be an acceptable word, but people kept using it, or established a common practice of usage so much that it is now found in dictionaries.
People speed on a daily basis, but you don't get tickets unless you are going crazy fast, i.e. 85+
The Appeal to Consequences: this is often effective because people do not like negative things impacting their life, so long as they are sane.
A good example of this is the use of punishment as motivators when it comes to you doing your chores at home. For instance, you are going to get a whipping, beating, or whatever, if you don't go and clean your room right now. I will cut your phone off if you don't pull up your grades.
Or you are going to get skin cancer and the air you breathe will soon become poisonous if you don't start taking better care of the environment.
The Appeal to Emotions: this is often effective because people do not like to be sad and miserable, and, conversely, they really enjoy being happy, rapturous, and gleeful.
For instance, in commercials with convertibles, restaurants, and games, the users are ALWAYS seen smiling and seemingly having the time of their lives. This is because the advertiser wants you to believe that purchasing this product will make you happy.
On the other hand, you often see commercials, like the feed starving children commercials, which attempt to guilt trip you into donating or sending money.
The Appeal to Popularity: this is often effective because people love to go with the crowd. They love to belong and be accepted. This herd-mentality, is a common well documented phenomenom.
For example, Momma, I need to get these new jeans and J's because everybody at school has them. I don't wanna be a lame!!!! Momma, you gotta help me!!!
No one else is saying that they have their paper, or is saying that they know the answer, so I am going to be quiet and play dumb too.
A good friend said to some students as a warning, "If you play dumb for too long, after a while, you won't be playing anymore."
The Appeal to Ridicule: this is often effective because people hate to be talked about, insulted, roasted, joned, made fun of, etc...
Momma, I am getting snapped on all the time, because I keep trying to hang with my friends, but they don't want me around. You have gotta buy me those Girbaud jeans, with the baby blue Tims. Come on Momma, you don't want your child being harrassed at school. It's hard to concentrate on schoolwork!
The Appeal to Tradition: this is often effective because people like to keep things the same. Although, to some extent, people love change, different is ALWAYS scary because it is unfamiliar. Therefore, if it's been that way for a long time, then why seek to change it.
Think about the many parents in America that lie to their kids about the existence of Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and other Urban Myths or legends solely for tradition's sake.
The Appeal to Spite: this is often effective because people despise haters. People deep down do not like bad people and will get back at them whenever possible.
Think about the smear ads you see, particularly in politics. It is to say, this is a bad person, or this person has done this in their past, therefore do this and pay them back.
THIS IS FUNNY. If you used to watch the show.
Business letter format. Business letter example.

History's Impact on Literature

Either for homework or classwork, we took the time to analyze some of the major historical events that have occurred in and involved Africa. Just as the literature that we have read about Darfur mostly centers around the violence and killings, so does the history and/or current events of an area affect the literature. Consider this, do you think that young boy from the video who said "They killed our fathers, so we will kill theirs," is likely to compose stories with happy endings, tranquility, and reverie!?! Not quite likely, unless of course he is writing to relieve the stress of this situation.Check out these articles on writing as a form of stress relief, in addition to other alternatives.Article 1Article 2Article 3To also finalize the image of post-colonial Africa, we also discussed in detail the following:What would happen if all the adults in your neighborhood, subdivision, apartment or townhome complex, etc. disappeared and all the young people had to fend for themselves and keep the world going.After that we began to read the Epic of Mali, Sundjata or Sundiata, which can be found here.

Sundjata Bold Blue Questions

During the weekend you all need to make sure that you add the information concerning the new or more standard archetypes to your notes, which were already taken in class. Please find them here at this website.
After you have added this information to your notes, then read the first six sections or entire yellow page of the epic of Sundjata.
Be prepared to discuss this in class on Monday. Also, start composing questions based on the guidance you recieved in class the other day.

Bold Blue Questions


Archetype Notes

Here are the archetypes which you all came up with.
Evil Characters; Villain or Antagonist
Good Character; Hero or Protagonist
Supporting Characters; Sidekick and Henchmen
Evil Woman Character; Femme Fatale, who is tolerated for her sex, either the act or appeal
Neutral Character; Never knows whether he or she is good or evil. Can help or hurt either side.
Wise, Know-it-All, Nerdy Character; He or she saves the day with their good ideas.
Goody Two Shoes Character; The one who only does right, no matter what.
Good Samaritan; The person that serves and helps others with no thoughts or hints of selfishness.
Easily Killed Character; This person could be killed by dryer lint and a popsicle.
Confused Character; This person is not identifiable as good or bad.
Coerced or Victimized Character; This person finds him or herself forced into doing something he or she would not normally do.
Scary Mysterious Characters; Those who have no plot significance, but add entertainment value. This person is frightening for unknown reasons and the lack of information about him or her just makes it worse.
The Tricky Deceitful Character; The one who plays one side by pretending, but is really on the other side.
Popular, Arrogant, but Fundamentally Useless Character; This person has no other value other than popularity.
The Idiotic Character; This character doesn’t even have sense enough to see the truth and even denies it when confronted by reality.
The Rebellious Individual Character; He or she does whatever he or she wants no matter what, especially if it DOESN’T make any sense.
The Partying or Lackadaisical Character; This character just wants to have fun and takes nothing seriously.
The Easy or Slutty Character; This character will flirt or hit on anything that has a pulse. Easy isn’t the word for this character that is solely motivated by his or her libido.
The Overly-Curious Character; This character is always the first to die. Has little common sense, and despite seeing his or her friend’s bloody guts strewn all over the floor still decides to follow the bloody footprints into the slaughtering room.
The Prankster; This person is more concerned with playing jokes and thinks everything is funny not realizing that the person in front of them is the real killer and not a farce.
Hero; protagonist, good, cool, can be normal people, protect and serve, save
Villain; antagonist, their people who causes the problem, they: do criminal acts, manically.
Sidekick: they help the heroes out.
Henchman: they do some of the dirty work. They are the slaves of the villain.
Static characters: the people who stay the same throughout the story or movie.
Dynamic character: The people who change through the story. Their point of view changes throughout the story by realizing certain things or having a change of heart.
Outcasts: The losers, nerds or lames. The “whack” people in the story. The characters that do not go along. I.e., Chuckie, Scooby Doo and Shaggy or harry potter.
Know-it-all or “nerd that fits in”: i.e., Velma, Imani, Jeff Goldbloom, Samuel L. Jackson. Always has the answer to the problem. Sometimes helps save the day.
Popular person: The person who stands out. They could be good or evil. I.e. Fresh Prince
Entourage: Lechers, fans, or groupies Helps build up the popular person.
Fake person: “non realistic” Backstabbers, two-faced people. Ingenuous.
Brown nosers: They are followers.kiss-ups.
Undercover: The sneaky people in the story or movie.
The avenger:
The under estimated: The people who are often taken for granted. i.e. Steve Urkel.
Static Character: a non-major character, unchanging.
Dynamic Character: a major character, who changes personality, state of mind, feelings, moral or ethical stance.
Villain, Enemy: Antagonist-always against the hero.
Hero: Protagonist-always saves the day at the end, saves people, protects people, gets the girl or guy at the end.
Friendly Beast/Gentle Giant: an animal or creature with heightened senses, speed, agility, courage/heart, stature, power, that is nice kind and patient.
Damsel in Distress: a woman who is unable to overcome whatever situation she finds herself in.
Desperate Person: a person who is fixated on one person and will do anything to get their affection.
Easy, Flirtatious, Promiscuous person: a person who is overly sexual, and will use their bodies to their advantage.
Tutor, Mentor, Teacher: a person who teaches, influences, motivates and guides the hero and/or other characters while on their journey.
Trickster/Deceitful: this person lies and fools characters for a purpose, want their way, the good guy to lose and suffer, to enjoy the pain of others, money, control, etc…
The Extra Nice Character: this person is incapable of doing bad or evil.
Brown-Noser/Suck-up Character: this person kisses up, flatters, and hypes up other characters for a specific goal, to get their power, money, control.
Arrogant/Stuck-Up/Conceited Character: this person is that they care more about themselves, popularity, opinion, etc… than anything else.
The Shy and Reserved Character: this person is in a social shell of sorts and does not speak.
The Jock: Usually a dumb but powerful or physically useful person.
Dumb-Blonde or Clueless Character:
Uncle Tom/ Modern-day Slave Characters:

Writing and Reading Notes

These are the Notes/Suggestions from the board that needed to be considered during the creation of questions.

  • Setting
    When and Where? Think about how different North America was/is by comparing the Jurassic period to AD or CE, or, you can consider how drastically technology has improved in the last half century. Setting is very important. Also, different geographic regions have different customs and cultural norms. Imagine a character meeting another by bowing. Over here in America, that may sound very odd, however, in Asian countries, where the practice is more common, it would make sense.
  • Mood
    How does the piece of literature make me feel? These stances must be justified with quotes and support. As I said, "Literary commentary and critiques are nothing or invalid without quotes and support."
  • Characters
    Who is in a story?
  • Motives
    Why did this person do ______? This also applies to the legion decisions made by the author, who chooses the career, name, personality, nationality, attitude, education, lifestyle, etc... of the characters. This however is just one small part of the motives that exist. Take some time and think of other motives that exist in literature. Apply them to this text. Grow your brain.
  • Plot
    What happens? Make sure that your plots are intricate. Don't just have a formulaic story where everything is predictable. That sucks and no one wants to read or view that.
  • Methods
    How did that happen? This is very important also, because this is where you make things interesting. This is where you not only show off your intellectual or critical genius, but you also show the depth of the development, cunning and conniving nature of your characters. People love drama, unfortunately, especially when it isn't theirs.
  • Irony
    The opposite of what is logically expected. For example,
    An Olympic runner out done by a heavy-set jogger.
    A Coast Guard Rescue Diver drowning in a tub. Here the irony is in the function of the character and the setting. Think of the movie, the Guardian.
    A thief reporting being robbed to the police.
  • Foreshadowing
    A hint the author gives of future events. Someone saying, "Gee, I have a bad feeling about this place." The faded sign that no one notices that says "DO NOT ENTER". etc...
  • Hyperbole
    Extreme exaggeration. I am so hungry I could eat the whole cow; bump one hamburger!
  • Suspense
    Making your audience wait to find out What will happen next, How it will happen, When it will happen, to Whom will it happen, etc...
    Funny Horror Youtube video.
  • DIALOG = A conversation. Make sure that while reading, you identify one example of each type of dialog entry listed below used in the story. Essentially, there are only three ways that dialog is presented in literature.
    Mr. Hampton said, "Blah blah blah."
    "Blah blah blah," said Mr. Hampton.
    "Blah blah blah," said Mr. Hampton. "Blah blah blah."

Also, please add this information to your "Active Reading" notes.
What are your expectations?
What would you do as a character?
What happens or doesn't happen?
What is said or not said?

Sundiata Epic

Non-fiction writing test

Please find the Non-fiction and logical writing test at this link.

As I said in class, please consider this example.

Category Classroom Country
Leader Teacher President/Monarch/King
Rules & Regulations Syllabus Constitution
Population Students Citizens
Rewards Greater Intelligence, Self-Esteem, Net worth Civilian medals of honor (I guess)
Punishments Detention/Suspension Jail/Probation/Community Service

Absolutely Miserable and Dreary Night

Today, we began writing based on the following prompt:It was an absolutely miserable and dreary night. The moon glowed a sick and dingy orange, like an old man's ear wax. It was this eerie night, of all nights, that I was charged with the task of...We were reminded to focus on the following:

Imagery-the use of words to create a picture or IMAGE in the mind of the reader.

Figurative Language-the skills which an author uses to make his or her writing excellent.

Details-specifics that engage and hook the reader, leading him or her exactly where the author wants.

Mood-the state of mind or feelings a person experiences when reading a piece of literature.

Diction-the words an author uses, which support the mood, tone, theme, and direction of a piece.

Tone-the author's attitude towards his or her subject.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Let me take the time to welcome you to my class' website. Here I will have short blurbs about the school day and attempt to keep every student and parent informed as to the day to day or weekly occurrences in class. Additionally, located at the following link is the class Syllabus. You can also email me at anytime using my Fulton County Schools address, or at westlakelangarts@yahoo.comIt is my desire that every student in my classroom will be a complete success mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I give each and every one of you my word, that I will prepare for class daily and be ready to present my content area with assignments, lessons, exercises, and assessments that are engaging as well as informative and appropriate. I am a hard working, honest, respectful, and gracious teacher, and demand the same treatment and effort from my students and parents.By working together, I know that this school year, and each one proceeding, will be the best school year ever! That said, let's start this year off striving for personal excellence, leaving nothing to chance.