Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Application of Outlines to Poetry

Today we created a master jotlist of everything that we associate with poetry and then organized it into the outline format.
Here is the example from the board.

Introduction to Poetry Outline

  1. Types of Poetry

    1. Haiku

      1. Structure

        1. 5-7-5 syllable structure

        2. 3 line poem

        3. Rhyming is not necessary

        4. Mentions/addresses nature

      2. Japanese Origin

    2. Limerick

      1. Structure

        1. 8-8-5-6-8 syllable structure

        2. 5 line poem

        3. Rhyme scheme is A-A-B-B-A

        4. Humorous tone

      2. Irish origin

You should repeat this process for sonnets. We will continue to add to this list and create a very solid foundation for this poetry unit.

Examples of Sonnets and breakdowns

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