Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Who Were/Are/Will You (BE)?

We started off this school year discussing the following three questions.

Who were you?
Who are you?
Who will you be?

The purposes of these three questions were to
  1. begin the introspective process critical to maturity and adulthood.
  2. Address the quality of work, thought, and analysis expected.
  3. Prepare you for writing about literature later on in the year.
We also discussed how much better we should be writing on this next level of high school. This can be achieved by more thoroughly answering the question.

As in there is a Literal answer, a Funcitional/Purposeful answer, and best, an Exhaustive/Thorough answer.

  • Literal is basic elementary or subpar thinking. This answer can be given by elementary students or anybody with only surface/superficial analysis. This grade will most likely be an F, if not a 70 under remarkable circumstances.
  • Functional/Purposeful answers are more grade level appropriate and show that you have tried to answer the question in a way that demonstrates that you tried to fulfill the purpose of the question and are developing the skills needed to progress your talents and abilities. This grade will most likely be a mid C - Mid B.
  • Exhaustive/Thorough answers are those that prove unequivocably that you deserve an A. These answers show remarkable insight and display deep analysis of the issues raised in the question. The level of thought indicates this was well-thought out, well planned and well organized. This grade will most likely be a mid B - mid A.

In an example of how this depth of analysis should be applied to a question, observe the first question, "Who were you?"

We analyzed the word "you". Human beings are multi-dimensional creatures, meaning we have more than one component which makes us complete. We are composed of five parts/facets, physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social. That being said, there are some areas where we grow and develop and some where we do not. For instance, just because a person progresses in age, doesn't mean that they have gotten any smarter, more mature or more intellectual. Therefore these areas of growth can be independent and quite varied, depending on the awareness or consciousness of the individual.

Should you ever have any questions or need to turn in a paper later on, then please email me at reverend.hampton@gmail.com

Also remember, we should strive to take the initiative in life and man or woman up when necessary. Start yourself on the right path and don't wait on someone else to do it for you.

In regards to work, you should have already established a base for your writing and today we began to build upon that by analyzing the additions in further detail. For instance, if you were an angry person then think about why you are that way, what have you been exposed to that would make you that way? How does your behavior affect others and how do they react to you?

The word of the day was INITIATIVE.

Be ready to turn in your work tomorrow at the beginning of class.

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